Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Making Rust

Try this science experiment with your kids... mine eagerly checked the items every day and were very excited when they saw the rust forming!

What you need:

Old baking tray
Paper towel
Unwanted metal items (eg. nails, paper clips etc)
Lemon juice

What you do:

Line the baking tray with paper towel.
Place metal items in tray
Sprinkle salt and lemon juice over the top
Leave for a few days and watch the rust form.

Making rust science experiment - place metal items in tray

Making rust science experiment - Sprinkle with lemon juice and salt

Making rust science experiment - Day 3 - the rust is beginning to form

Making rust science experiment - Day 3 - the rust is beginning to form

This experiment, and many others can be found in this book: (link under image)

Everything You Need To Know About Science
Paper back - $19.99
Hard back - $29.99